Greek(unani) Medicine(Tibb) is one of the ancient systems of medicine of which many believe modern system of medicine has evolved.
Greek/ Ionian is translated as Unani and Medicine as Tibb in Arabic.
It can be defined as that system of Greek medicine which developed during Arab civilization.
It can be defined as that system of Greek medicine which developed during Arab civilization.
(Niamatullah, 1973) observes that “Muslims still call it Unani gratefully acknowledging its place of origin whereas European historians would call it Arabic Medicine or Geeko-Arabic medicine”.
Ibn-e-Sina is the author of world known famous book on fundamental treatise of Unani Medicine in five volume populary known as Al-Qanoon-fit-Tibb (Canon of Medicine)
In India, Siddiqui (1981) pointed out that Unani medicine was introduced in 1351 AD by Arabs and flourished under the patronage of Mughal Emperors among the masses and spread all over the country.
At present Unani system of medicine has now been regarded and recognized as one of the Indian systems of medicine and forms an integral part of national healthcare delivery system (Siddiqui,2009a)
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