is a response of vascularized tissues to infections and tissue damage that
brings cells and molecules of host defense from the circulation to the sites where
they are needed, to eliminate the offending agents.
Inflammation is a protective response that is essential for survival. It serves to get rid the host of both the initial cause of cell injury (e.g., microbes, toxins) and the consequences of such injury (e.g., necrotic cells and tissues). The mediators of defense include phagocytic leukocytes, antibodies, and complement proteins.
Most of these normally circulate in the blood, where they are sequestered so they cannot damage normal tissues but can be rapidly recruited(enroll) to any site in the body. Some of the cells involved in inflammatory responses also reside in tissues, where they function as sentinels on the lookout for threats.
In the process of inflammation leukocytes and proteins are delivered to foreign invaders, such as microbes, and to damaged or necrotic tissues, and it activates the recruited cells and molecules, which then function to eliminate the harmful or unwanted substances.
Without inflammation, infections would go unchecked, wounds would never heal, and injured tissues might remain permanent festering sores.
Mechanism Of Inflammation:
The typical inflammatory
reaction develops through a series of sequential steps:
• The offending agent (something that is causing a problem that needs to be dealt with) which is located in extravascular tissues, is recognized by host cells and molecules.
• Leukocytes and plasma
proteins are recruited from the circulation to the site where the offending
agent is located.
• The leukocytes and proteins
are activated and work together to destroy and eliminate the offending substance.
• The reaction is
controlled and terminated.
• The damaged tissue is
Inflammation may be of two types, acute and chronic .
The initial, rapid response to infections and tissue damage is called acute inflammation. It typically develops within minutes or hours and is of short duration, lasting for several hours or a few days. Its main characteristics are the exudation of fluid and plasma proteins (edema) and the emigration of leukocytes, predominantly neutrophils (also called polymorphonuclear leukocytes). When acute inflammation achieves its desired goal of eliminating the offenders, the reaction subsides and residual injury is repaired.
But if the initial response fails to clear the stimulus, the reaction progresses to a protracted type of inflammation that is called chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation may follow acute inflammation or arise de novo(starting from the beginning.). It is of longer duration and is associated with more tissue destruction, the presence of lymphocytes and macrophages, the proliferation of blood vessels, and fibrosis.
Inflammation is induced by chemical mediators that are produced by host cells in response to injurious stimuli. When a microbe enters a tissue or the tissue is injured, the presence of the infection or damage is sensed by resident cells, including macrophages, dendritic cells, mast cells, and other cell types. These cells secrete molecules (cytokines and other mediators) that induce and regulate the subsequent inflammatory response. Inflammatory mediators are also produced from plasma proteins that react to the microbes or to products of necrotic cells. Some of these mediators promote the efflux of plasma and the recruitment of circulating leukocytes to the site where the offending agent is located. Mediators also activate the recruited leukocytes, enhancing their ability to destroy and remove the offending agent. Understanding the role of chemical mediators is important because most anti-inflammatory drugs target specific mediators.
external manifestations of inflammation, often called its cardinal signs, are
heat (calor in Latin), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor), and
loss of function (functio laesa). The first four of these were described
more than 2000 years ago by a Roman encyclopedist named Celsus, who
wrote the then-famous text De Medicina, and the fifth was added in the
late 19th century by Rudolf Virchow, known as the “father of modern
pathology.” These manifestations occur as consequences of the vascular
changes and leukocyte recruitment and activation, as will be evident
from the discussion that follows.
Although normally
protective, in some situations, the inflammatory reaction becomes the cause
of disease, and the damage it produces is its dominant feature. For example,
inflammatory reactions to infections are often accompanied by local
tissue damage and its associated signs and symptoms (e.g., pain and
functional impairment). Typically, however, these harmful consequences
are self-limited and resolve as the inflammation abates, leaving little
or no permanent damage. In contrast, there are many diseases in which
the inflammatory reaction is misdirected (e.g., against self tissues in
autoimmune diseases), occurs against normally harmless environmental
substances that evoke an immune response (e.g., in allergies), or is
excessively prolonged (e.g., in infections by microbes that resist
Inflammatory reactions
underlie common chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis,
atherosclerosis, and lung fibrosis, as well as life-threatening
hypersensitivity reactions to insect bites, drugs, and toxins (Table
3.2). For this reason our pharmacies abound with anti-inflammatory drugs,
which ideally would control the harmful sequelae of inflammation yet not
interfere with its beneficial effects. In fact, inflammation may contribute to
a variety of diseases that are thought to be primarily metabolic, degenerative,
or genetic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer disease, and cancer.
Inflammation is
terminated when the offending agent is eliminated. The reaction
resolves because mediators are broken down and dissipated, and
leukocytes have short life spans in tissues. In addition,
anti-inflammatory mechanisms are activated, serving to control the
response and prevent it from causing excessive damage to the host. After
inflammation has achieved its goal of eliminating the offending
agents, it sets into motion the process of tissue repair.
Repair consists of a series of events that heal damaged tissue. In this
process, the injured tissue is replaced through regeneration of
surviving cells and filling of residual defects with connective tissue (scarring).
Inflammatory reactions may be
triggered by a variety of stimuli:
• Infections (bacterial,
viral, fungal, parasitic) and microbial toxins are among the most common and
medically important causes of inflammation. Different infectious pathogens
elicit distinct inflammatory responses, from mild acute inflammation that
causes little or no lasting damage and successfully eradicates the infection,
to severe systemic reactions that can be fatal, to prolonged chronic reactions
that cause extensive tissue injury. The morphologic pattern of the response can
be useful in identifying its etiology.
• Tissue necrosis elicits
inflammation regardless of the cause of cell death, which may include ischemia
(reduced blood flow, the cause of myocardial infarction), trauma, and
physical and chemical injury (e.g., thermal injury, as in burns or
frostbite; irradiation; exposure to some environmental chemicals). Several
molecules released from necrotic cells are known to trigger inflammation.
• Foreign bodies (splinters,
dirt, sutures) may elicit inflammation by themselves or because they cause traumatic
tissue injury or carry microbes. Even some endogenous substances stimulate
potentially harmful inflammation if large amounts are deposited in tissues; such
substances include urate crystals (in the disease gout), and cholesterol
crystals (in atherosclerosis).
• Immune reactions (also
called hypersensitivity) are reactions in which the normally protective
immune system damages the individual’s own tissues. The injurious immune
responses may be directed against self antigens, causing autoimmune diseases,
or may be inappropriate reactions against environmental substances, as in allergies,
or against microbes. Inflammation is a major cause of tissue injury in these
diseases. Because the stimuli for the inflammatory responses in autoimmune and
allergic diseases (self and environmental antigens) cannot be eliminated, these
reactions tend to be persistent and difficult to cure, are often associated with
chronic inflammation, and are important causes of morbidity and
inflammation has three major components:
dilation of small vessels, leading to an increase in blood flow,
increased permeability of the microvasculature, enabling plasma proteins and
leukocytes to leave the circulation, and
emigration of the leukocytes from the microcirculation, their accumulation in
the focus of injury, and their activation to eliminate the offending agent (Fig.
When an injurious agent, such as an infectious
microbe or dead cells, is encountered, phagocytes that reside in all
tissues try to eliminate these agents. At the same time, phagocytes and
other sentinel cells in the tissues recognize the presence of the
foreign or abnormal substance and react by liberating soluble molecules
that mediate inflammation. Some of these mediators act on small
blood vessels in the vicinity and promote the efflux of plasma and the
recruitment of circulating leukocytes to the site where the offending
agent is located.
Reactions of Blood Vessels in Acute
vascular reactions of acute inflammation consist of changes in the flow of
blood and the permeability of vessels, both designed to maximize the movement
of plasma proteins and leukocytes out of the circulation and into the site of
infection or injury.
The escape of fluid,
proteins, and blood cells from the vascular system into interstitial
tissues or body cavities is known as exudation
3.2). An exudate
is an extravascular fluid that has a high protein concentration and
contains cellular debris. Its presence implies that there is an increase in the
permeability of small blood vessels, typically during an inflammatory reaction.
In contrast, a transudate is
a fluid with low protein content, little or no cellular material, and low
specific gravity. It is essentially an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma that is
produced as a result of osmotic or hydrostatic imbalance across vessels with
normal vascular permeability
. Edema denotes an excess of fluid in the interstitial tissue
or serous cavities; it can be either an exudate or a transudate. Pus, a purulent
exudate, is an inflammatory exudate rich in leukocytes (mostly
neutrophils), the debris of dead cells, and, in many cases, microbes.
Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber
Changes in vascular
flow and caliber begin early after injury and consist of the following:
• Vasodilation is
induced by the action of several mediators, notably histamine, on vascular
smooth muscle. It is one of the earliest manifestations of acute inflammation, and
may be preceded by transient vasoconstriction. Vasodilation first involves the
arterioles and then leads to the opening of new capillary beds in the area. The
result is increased blood flow, which is the cause of heat and redness (erythema)
at the site of inflammation.
• Vasodilation is
quickly followed by increased permeability of the microvasculature, with the outpouring
of protein-rich fluid (an exudate) into the extravascular
• The loss of fluid and
increased vessel diameter lead to slower blood flow, concentration of red cells
in small
vessels, and increased
viscosity of the blood. These changes result in stasis of blood flow,
engorgement of small vessels jammed with slowly moving red cells, seen
histologically as vascular congestion and externally as localized
redness (erythema) of the involved tissue.
• As stasis develops,
blood leukocytes, principally neutrophils, accumulate along the vascular
endothelium. At the same time endothelial cells are activated by mediators produced
at sites of infection and tissue damage, and express increased levels of
adhesion molecules. Leukocytes then adhere to the endothelium, and soon
afterward they migrate through the vascular wall into the interstitial tissue,
in a sequence that is described later.
Increased Vascular Permeability (Vascular Leakage)
Several mechanisms are
responsible for increased vascular permeability in acute inflammation (Fig.
3.3), which include:
• Retraction of endothelial cells resulting in opening of
interendothelial spaces is the most common mechanism of vascular leakage. It is
elicited by histamine, bradykinin, leukotrienes, and other chemical mediators.
It occurs rapidly after exposure to the mediator (within 15 to 30 minutes) and
is usually short-lived; hence, it is referred to as the immediate transient
response, to distinguish it from the delayed prolonged response that follows
endothelial injury. The main sites for this rapid increase in vascular
permeability are postcapillary venules.
• Endothelial injury, resulting in endothelial cell
necrosis and detachment. Direct damage to the endothelium is encountered in
severe injuries, for example, in burns, or is induced by the actions of
microbes and microbial
toxins that target endothelial
cells. Neutrophils that adhere to the endothelium during inflammation may also
injure the endothelial cells and thus amplify the reaction. In most instances
leakage starts immediately after injury and is sustained for several hours
until the damaged vessels are thrombosed or repaired.
• Increased transport of fluids and
proteins, called transcytosis, through the endothelial cell. This
process, documented in experimental models, may involve intracellular channels
that open in response to certain factors, such as
vascular endothelial growth factor
(VEGF), that promote vascular leakage. Its contribution to the vascular
permeability seen in acute inflammation in humans is unclear. Although these
mechanisms of increased vascular permeability are described separately, all
probably contribute in varying degrees in responses to most stimuli. For
example, at different stages of a thermal burn, leakage results from endothelial
retraction caused by inflammatory mediators and direct and leukocyte-dependent
endothelial injury.
of Lymphatic Vessels and Lymph Nodes
In addition to blood vessels, lymphatic
vessels also participate in acute inflammation. The system of lymphatics and lymph
nodes filters and polices the extravascular fluids.
Lymphatics drain the small amount
of extravascular fluid that seeps out of capillaries under normal
circumstances. In inflammation, lymph flow is increased to help drain edema
fluid that accumulates because of increased vascular permeability. In addition
to fluid, leukocytes and cell debris, as well as microbes, may find their way
into lymph. Lymphatic vessels, like blood vessels, proliferate during inflammatory
reactions to handle the increased load. The lymphatics may become secondarily
inflamed (lymphangitis), as may the draining lymph nodes (lymphadenitis).
Inflamed lymph nodes are often
enlarged because of increased cellularity. This constellation of pathologic changes
is termed reactive, or inflammatory, lymphadenitis.
Leukocytes that
are recruited to sites of inflammation perform the key function of eliminating
the offending agents. The
most important leukocytes in typical inflammatory reactions
are the ones capable of phagocytosis, namely, neutrophils and
macrophages. Neutrophils are produced in the bone marrow and rapidly
recruited to sites of inflammation. Macrophages are slower
journey of leukocytes from the vessel lumen to the tissue is a multistep
process that is mediated and controlled by adhesion molecules and cytokines. Leukocytes
normally flow rapidly in the blood, and in inflammation, they have
to be stopped and then brought to the offending agent or the site of
tissue damage, outside the vessels. This process can be divided into phases,
consisting first of adhesion of leukocytes to endothelium at the site of
inflammation, then transmigration of the leukocytes through the
vessel wall, and movement of the cells toward the offending agent.
Different molecules play important roles in each of these steps (Fig.
Leukocyte Adhesion to Endothelium
When blood flows from
capillaries into postcapillary venules, circulating cells are swept by laminar
flow against the vessel wall. Red cells, being smaller, tend to move faster
than the larger white cells. As a result, red cells are confined to the central
axial column, and leukocytes are pushed out toward the wall of the vessel, but
the flow prevents the cells from attaching to the endothelium. As the blood
flow slows early in inflammation (stasis), hemodynamic conditions change (wall
shear stress decreases), and more white cells assume a peripheral position along
the endothelial surface.
This process of
leukocyte redistribution is called margination. By moving close to the
vessel wall, leukocytes
are able to detect and react to changes in the endothelium. If the endothelial
cells are activated by cytokines and other mediators produced locally, they
express adhesion molecules to which the leukocytes attach loosely. These cells
bind and detach and thus begin to tumble on the endothelial surface, a process called
rolling. The cells finally come to rest at some point where they adhere firmly
(resembling pebbles over which a stream runs without disturbing them).
The attachment of leukocytes
to endothelial cells is mediated by complementary adhesion molecules on the two
cell types whose expression is enhanced by cytokines.
Cytokines are secreted
by cells in tissues in response to microbes and other injurious agents, thus
ensuring that leukocytes are recruited to the tissues where these stimuli
are present. The two
major families of molecules involved in leukocyte adhesion and migration are
the selectins and integrins (Table 3.4). These molecules are
expressed on leukocytes and endothelial cells, as are their ligands.
• Selectins mediate
the initial weak interactions between leukocytes and endothelium. Selectins
are receptors expressed on leukocytes and endothelium that contain an
extracellular domain that binds sugars (hence the lectin part of the
name). The three members of this family are E-selectin (also called
CD62E), expressed on
endothelial cells;
P-selectin (CD62P), present on platelets and endothelium; and L-selectin
(CD62L), found on the surface of most leukocytes.
• Firm adhesion of leukocytes to
endothelium is mediated by a family of leukocyte surface proteins called integrins.
Integrins are transmembrane two-chain glycoproteins that mediate
the adhesion of leukocytes to endothelium and of various cells to the
extracellular matrix.
Leukocyte Migration Through Endothelium
After being arrested on
the endothelial surface, leukocytes migrate through the vessel wall primarily
by squeezing between cells at intercellular junctions. This extravasation of
leukocytes, called transmigration, occurs mainly in postcapillary venules,
the site at which there is maximal retraction of endothelial cells. Further
movement of leukocytes is driven by chemokines produced in extravascular
tissues, which stimulate leukocytes to travel along a chemical gradient
Chemotaxis of Leukocytes
After exiting the
circulation, leukocytes move in the tissues toward the site of injury by a
process called chemotaxis, which is defined as locomotion along a
chemical gradient. Both exogenous and endogenous substances can act as
including the
• Bacterial products,
particularly peptides with Nformylmethionine termini
• Cytokines, especially
those of the chemokine family
• Components of the
complement system, particularly C5a
• Products of the lipoxygenase
pathway of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism, particularly leukotriene B4 (LTB4)
These chemoattractants
are produced by microbes and by host cells in response to infections and tissue
damage and during immunologic reactions. All act by binding to
of microbes or dead cells induces several responses in leukocytes that are
collectively called leukocyte activation (Fig.
3.6). After leukocytes (particularly neutrophils and
monocytes) have been recruited to a site of infection or tissue injury
they must be activated to perform their functions. This makes perfect
sense because, while we want our defenders to patrol our body
constantly, it would be wasteful to keep them at a high level of alert
and expending energy before they are required. The functional responses
that are most important for destruction
of microbes and other
offenders are phagocytosis and
intracellular killing.
Several other responses aid in the defensive functions of inflammation and may
contribute to its injurious consequences.
involves three sequential steps: (1) recognition and attachment of the particle
to be ingested by the leukocyte; (2) engulfment, with subsequent formation of a
phagocytic vacuole; and (3) killing or degradation of the ingested material (Fig.
These steps are triggered by activation
of phagocytes by microbes, necrotic debris, and various mediators.
Recognition by Phagocytic Receptors. Mannose
receptors, scavenger receptors, and receptors for various opsonins bind and
ingest microbes. The macrophage mannose receptor is a lectin that binds terminal
mannose and fucose residues of glycoproteins and glycolipids. These sugars are
typically part of molecules found on microbial cell walls, whereas mammalian
glycoproteins and glycolipids contain terminal sialic acid or
Engulfment. After
a particle is bound to phagocyte receptors, extensions of the cytoplasm
(pseudopods) flow around it, and the plasma membrane pinches off to form a cytosolic
vesicle (phagosome) that encloses the particle. The phagosome then fuses with
lysosomes, resulting in the discharge of lysosomal contents into the
phagolysosome. During this process the phagocyte also may release some granule
contents into the extracellular space, thereby damaging innocent bystander
normal cells.
Intracellular Destruction of Microbes and
killing of microbes and the destruction of ingested materials are accomplished
by reactive oxygen species (ROS, also called reactive oxygen intermediates),
reactive nitrogen species, mainly derived from nitric oxide (NO),
lysosomal enzymes. This is the final step in the elimination of infectious agents
and necrotic cells. The killing and degradation of microbes and elimination of
dead-cell debris within neutrophils and macrophages occur most efficiently
after their activation. All these killing mechanisms are normally sequestered
in lysosomes, to which phagocytosed materials are brought. Thus, potentially harmful
substances are segregated from the cell’s cytoplasm and nucleus to avoid damage
to the phagocyte while it is performing its normal function.
mediators of inflammation are the substances that initiate and regulate
inflammatory reactions.
The most important
mediators of acute inflammation are vasoactive amines, lipid products
(prostaglandins and leukotrienes), cytokines (including chemokines), and products
of complement activation.
morphologic hallmarks of acute inflammatory reactions are dilation of small
blood vessels and accumulation of leukocytes and fluid in the extravascular
The vascular and
cellular reactions account for the signs and symptoms of the inflammatory
response. Increased blood flow to the injured area and increased vascular
permeability lead to the accumulation of extravascular fluid rich in plasma
proteins (edema) and account for the redness (rubor), warmth (calor),
and swelling (tumor) that accompany acute inflammation. Leukocytes that
are recruited and activated by the offending agent and by endogenous mediators
may release toxic metabolites and proteases extracellularly, causing tissue
damage and loss of function (functio laesa).
During the damage, and
in part as a result of the liberation of prostaglandins, neuropeptides, and cytokines,
one of the local symptoms is pain (dolor). Although these general
features are characteristic of most acute inflammatory reactions, special
morphologic patterns are often superimposed on them, depending on the severity
of the reaction, its specific cause, and the particular tissue and site
involved. The importance of recognizing distinct gross and microscopic patterns
of inflammation is that they often provide valuable clues about the underlying
Serous Inflammation
inflammation is marked by the exudation of cell poor fluid into
spaces created by injury to surface epithelia or into body cavities
lined by the peritoneum, pleura, or pericardium. Typically, the fluid in
serous inflammation is not infected by destructive organisms and does
not contain large numbers of leukocytes (which tend to produce purulent
inflammation). In body cavities the fluid may be derived from the
plasma (as a result of increased vascular permeability) or from the
secretions of mesothelial cells (as a result of local irritation);
accumulation of fluid in these cavities is called an effusion.
(Effusions consisting of transudates also occur in noninflammatory
conditions, such as reduced blood outflow in heart failure, or reduced
plasma protein levels in some kidney and liver diseases.) The skin blister
resulting from a burn or viral infection represents accumulation of
serous fluid within or immediately beneath the damaged epidermis of the
skin (Fig. 3.12).
Fibrinous Inflammation
fibrinous exudate develops when the vascular leaks are large or there is a
local procoagulant stimulus. With a large increase
in vascular permeability, higher-molecularweight proteins such as
fibrinogen pass out of the blood, and fibrin is formed and deposited in the
extracellular space. A fibrinous exudate is characteristic of inflammation in
the lining of body cavities, such as the meninges, pericardium, and pleura.
Histologically, fibrin appears as an eosinophilic meshwork of threads or sometimes
as an amorphous coagulum. Fibrinous exudates may be dissolved by
fibrinolysis and cleared by macrophages. If the fibrin is not removed, with
time, it may stimulate the ingrowth of fibroblasts and blood vessels and
thus lead to scarring. Conversion of the fibrinous exudate to scar
tissue (organization) within the pericardial sac leads to opaque
fibrous thickening of the pericardium and epicardium in the area of
exudation and, if the fibrosis is extensive, obliteration of the
pericardial space.
Purulent (Suppurative) Inflammation,
inflammation is characterized by the production of pus, an exudate consisting
of neutrophils, the liquefied debris of necrotic cells, and edema fluid. The
most frequent cause of purulent (also called suppurative)
inflammation is infection with bacteria that cause liquefactive tissue
necrosis, such as staphylococci; these pathogens are referred to as pyogenic
(pus-producing) bacteria. A common example of an acute suppurative
inflammation is acute appendicitis. Abscesses are localized
collections of pus caused by suppuration buried in a tissue, an organ, or
a confined space. They are produced by seeding of pyogenic bacteria
into a tissue. Abscesses have a central region that appears as a mass of
necrotic leukocytes
and tissue cells. There
is usually a zone of preserved neutrophils around this necrotic focus, and
outside this region there may be vascular dilation and parenchymal and
fibroblastic proliferation, indicating chronic inflammation and repair. In time
the abscess may become walled off and ultimately replaced by connective tissue.
When persistent or at critical locations (such as the brain), abscesses may have
to be drained surgically.
ulcer is a local defect, or excavation, of the surface of an organ or tissue
that is produced by the sloughing (shedding) of inflamed necrotic tissue (Fig.
3.15). Ulceration can occur only when tissue
necrosis and resultant inflammation exist on or near a surface. It is
most commonly encountered in (1) the mucosa of the mouth,
stomach, intestines, or
genitourinary tract, and (2) the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the lower
extremities in older persons who have circulatory disturbances that predispose to
extensive ischemic necrosis. Acute and chronic inflammation
often coexist in
ulcers, such as peptic ulcers of the stomach or duodenum and diabetic ulcers of
the legs. During the acute stage there is intense polymorphonuclear infiltration
and vascular dilation in the margins of the defect. With chronicity, the margins
and base of the ulcer develop fibroblast proliferation, scarring, and the
accumulation of lymphocytes, macrophages, and plasma cells.
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